Hair testing gives a unique cellular reading of the mineral levels. Metabolic activity takes place in the cells and typical tests such as blood and urine rarely analyze the actual cells themselves.
While blood and other 
tests do have their own merits they do not reveal the same depth of information as hair tests.

The reasons for this are the following:

   -Hair mineral analysis is an early indicator principle. Analysing the hair on a cellular level reveals trends and research associations, rather than diagnosing. Diagnosis is an allopathic approach to disease that often waits until serious conditions have developped in the body before attempting to correct the situation. The hair analysis picks up tendencies and trends that have not yet manifested as symptoms enabling them to be dealt with and corrected before more serious illness. 

   -Hair mineral analysis is a holistic test. The results reflect body chemistry, attitudes, heredity, upbringing, lifestyle, diet, drinking water as well as health and disease states. In other words the test reveals a detailed overall picture that is influenced by many factors.

  -Hair is a stable material for biopsy and can be handled more easily without the ability to read it being compromised.

  -For the quality of readings it gives, hair testing is extremely cost effective it is also a very easy convenient way to take a sample for biopsy and can be safely and effectively done from home.

  -Blood tests can fluctuate on an hourly basis depending on what one has ingested, the time of day and a variety of other factors (such as exercise and stress levels).

  -Minerals are displaced from the tissues to maintain blood levels. This means that deficiencies or excesses often show up earlier in the hair than in the blood.

  -Blood levels of minerals vary very little, while hair values may vary 10-fold, thus providing information not available from the blood. This offers much deeper insight into what is happening on a cellular level.

  -Hair testing is much more effective for revealing toxic metals which rarely stay in the blood for long. They accumulate in the hair where an accurate reading can be made. They are only discovered in high concentrations in the blood after an acute exposure.

(The image above is the lab result of a hair mineral analysis.)

Through over 40 years of research and 250,000+ hair tests used to analyse the levels, patterns and ratios of different minerals it has been possible to correlate these with major medical conditions and the trends leading towards them long before they occur.

Another discovery that has been made along the way is that these same patterns and ratios are also closely related to thoughts, emotions and behavior.This is yet another truly remarkable aspect of a development program.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Zachary Tomlinson

    Thanks for helping me understand what hair mineral analysis is. I had no idea that I can get my health checked just by using a strand of my hair. I like how your article mentioned that it can reveal toxic metals that rarely stay in the blood. I’ll share this with my mom since she’s health-conscious at times.

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