When We Stop Chasing Symptoms And Focus On Complete Body Healing Real Health Will Result

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healthy body and mind complete body healing

By Rhodri Whitehead

Harmonious health is something we should all be able to take for granted. Unfortunately it’s something many people struggle to achieve and remains an elusive ideal. There just seem to be so many conditions among the general population which while not always life-threatening prevent those suffering from them from enjoying the quality of life they should be entitled to. I sometimes look at forums of particular health conditions and I observe how those posting are usually asking others about taking some product or other and whether it works to treat the condition. These forums do in my opinion provide good moral support between members suffering from these conditions but there are rarely any real success stories of restored health. This singular approach may be fairly effortless and simple to administer but the benefits usually stop there.

I used to focus on individual conditions and symptoms but have come to learn through my own experience, research and observations that if focus is shifted to correcting body chemistry, rebalancing and correcting mineral ratios and oxidation rates, then subsequently deep healing of a real sort will start to occur. Addressing symptoms and looking for a single supplement or fix just never seems to bring about much in terms of meaningful results for complex issues.

This was something I realised both through my own experience and from the changes I observed in clients following a development program. A holistic approach based on ones own unique chemistry through properly interpreted hair mineral analysis will go back to the source of the issue and correct the imbalances that led to it. In my opinion this is the only way to heal issues deeply. The more time passed the more obvious this became to me.

The ways in which deep healing through a development occurs are as follows:

– Improving genetics.

We are living on a planet on which ionizing radiation is now everywhere.  The exposure to ionizing  radiation  and toxic chemicals causes genetic damage. The resulting mutations and mutating cells reproduce,  affecting more tissues until illness manifests itself. Development programs help reverse this process of degeneration. What occurs with development, and does not occur much either with medical drugs or most holistic and naturopathic medical care, is that the rate of DNA reproduction and protein synthesis, and the accuracy of protein synthesis, improve dramatically with time.

This process slowly improves the quality of all body tissue and can allow the body to remove  diseased, toxic, mutated and otherwise damaged proteins, hormones and enzymes. This is truly remarkable and a wonderful benefit of a development program.

– The removal of two dozen toxic metals and hundreds or possibly thousands of harmful chemicals from the body.

Everyone is  exposed to thousands of times the amount of toxic metals compared to past generations. This is due to industrial use of toxic metals, coal-burning power plant emissions, sealed buildings and household and office chemicals that are everywhere, particularly in cities. Some occupations such as building and plumbing are particularly vulnerable.

Toxic metals replace vital minerals in enzyme-binding sites, leading to impaired functioning of the enzymes. Toxic chemicals bind to receptor sites and interfere with metabolic processes in many other ways that lead to impaired health. Development and detoxification will slowly remove accumulated toxic chemicals and heavy metals from the body.

– Replenishing Dozens Of Essential Nutrients. Depleted soil, use of hybrid crops, chemical agriculture, poor-quality refined food diets, poor eating habits and stressful lifestyles contribute to widespread nutrient deficiencies in the population. Most children are born with nutritional imbalances due to similar imbalances in their parents. Nutrient deficiencies are subtle at times, and result in a multitude of health conditions.

Replenishing all of the vital minerals takes several years  at least, as the body has buffering systems to prevent excessive absorption of any nutrient. The tissue mineral analysis with a hair sample, when done at the correct laboratory and interpreted properly, can help guide the design of nutrition programs to replace nutrients gradually without upsetting body chemistry. Life style changes are also often essential to reduce stress and improve food choices, shopping and cooking practices, and eating habits.

-Eliminating Infections (Biological Toxins). Most people have half a dozen or more chronic infections. Over half the population has some degree of overgrowth of intestinal candida albicans and other intestinal pathogens. Tooth and gum infections are also very common and can cause serious health problems.

Most infections in the body produce toxins called endotoxins and exotoxins. These circulate in the blood and can contribute to many conditions such as post-nasal drip, headaches, chronic pain, bloating, fatigue and hundreds of others. With development, In most cases antibiotics, antifungal and anti-parasite herbs or drugs are not required to clear these infections. Enhancing the body’s energy, improving circulation, replenishing nutrients and eliminating toxic substances all improve infection-fighting ability and remove the cellular debris on which the organisms feed.

– Balancing The Autonomic Nervous System. Most people have overused their sympathetic nervous system, also called the fight-or-flight system. This system suppresses the immune system as well as digestion, assimilation of nutrients and elimination of waste products. The result is poor health. Reducing sympathetic nervous system activity through development affects the autonomic balance and general health.

– Mental And Emotional Healing. Many types of mental and emotional healing occur with development. These include releasing emotional traumas, reducing the impact of negative situations, reducing emotional excesses and improving cognition, memory and many other mental faculties. For instance, many people today suffer from brain fog, depression, anxieties, panic attacks, phobias. Most of these respond exceedingly well in a short period of time to correction with development. This field is referred to as medical psychology.

– Development. Healing also involves the total development of a human being’s potential. This goes very far beyond symptom removal and is covered in separate articles. The goal is to develop all of our latent talents and abilities.

Start a development program today for complete body healing by clicking here