Rhodri's Background


I was born in London and grew up in Paris and completed my university studies in Cambridge and later Seville. I hold a BA in Modern Languages but my passion for health and healing led me on a different path to Nutritional Balancing Science in which I am a certified practitioner.
Home is now Chiang Mai, in Northern Thailand where I live with my wife and daughter.


My Story

In some ways my story is a similar one to that of many other people I've come across.
Feeling chronically 
tired, burned out and consistently ill with one ailment or another, I would go from doctor to doctor seeking but never finding a real answer or solution to my state of health. This was despite having always been very active in sports and having an outward appearance of a healthy body and physique which unfortunately didn't reflect the internal reality.

Following my frustration with mainstream medicine, I researched and applied many natural health methods which seemed to work well at first but eventually led me right back to square one with little improvement in health. My deep passion for health definitely originated with my own problems. 
After several years with no real improvement despite trying so many 'alternative remedies' and a seemingly healthy diet on the side I discovered Hair Mineral Analysis and nutritional balancing.
Once I started following it seriously and persevering with the program everything finally began to improve.
I was admittedly skeptical to begin with and the first six months were difficult, with many powerful healing
reactions and deep level changes taking place, but the results were nothing short of remarkable and continue to surprise me daily.
Nutritional Balancing is a deep healing science way beyond anything I had tried before. Apart from the deep healing, it provides a powerful anti-aging, life extending program which, once it has healed you, will help your mental, physical and spiritual potential as a human being to develop far beyond what you ever thought was possible.
It is an ongoing journey that helps you to release traumas and be at peace with the past, enjoy 
the present and look forward to the future rather than worry about getting older and the health issues that go with it. I feel truly grateful and blessed on a daily basis for discovering this wonderful science of healing and development. Once I came to realise the power of it, I knew this was something I wanted to help bring to others.