by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© February 2019, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
All information in this article is solely the opinion of the author and is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Definition. Aneurisms are expanded and weak areas of an artery. Some of the fibrous layers of an artery give way due to weakness and perhaps elevated blood pressure. This results in a sort of bubble or widened area of the artery.
They usually occur in the aorta because blood pressure is highest here. However, they could occur in any artery. Larger aneurisms, particularly in the aorta, are like ticking time bombs because if they rupture, blood pressure drops and death often comes quickly.
Development programs helpful. A development program can sometimes reverse an aneurism. This is quite unusual, but we have had enough cases to state this as fact. We have several more cases underway in which the patient will be evaluated with MRI or other standard methods to assess if this holds true.
Cases are rare. We have not seen too many cases of aneurisms for the following reasons:
1. They often cause sudden death, so the people do not survive to embark on a development program.
2. Aneurisms are difficult to diagnose. They require costly body scans such as MRIs or CT scans. CT scans cause much more x-ray exposure than is ideal, so they are not done routinely. Without them, however, aneurisms are hard to find.
3. If an aneurism is discovered, immediate surgery is usually recommended. The only cases we can evaluate with a development program are those in which the person refuses surgery, and this is uncommon.
The beauty of a development program is that one does not have to know one has an aneurism for the program to correct it. The program corrects weaknesses of the connective tissue, of which arteries are one type. As this occurs, some aneurisms will heal automatically.
These include an imbalance between zinc and copper. Copper is required for connective tissue health, as is adequate zinc. When these are deficient or biounavailable, connective tissue does not form correctly and is weaker in structure. This can give rise to an aneurism.
Toxic metals usually play a role as well. Common ones that affect the arteries include cadmium and lead. Mercury may also be involved in some cases.
Connective tissue also requires many other nutrients including adequate protein, vitamins A, B, C and E, adequate sulfur-bearing amino acids found only in animal products, and others.
Other causes. Marfan’s syndrome, which involves weakness of connective tissues, is associated with aneurisms.
Occasionally, a smart doctor suspects an aneurism because the patient complains of vague pain, such as in the abdomen in the area of the abdominal aorta, a common site of aneurisms. He then takes a chest x-ray that may show some deformity that leads him to look further and find the aneurism.
At times, a patient with a brain aneurism will also have pain such as headache or pressure. Otherwise, however, they are usually never diagnosed until after death.
If you are diagnosed with an aneurism, or even believe you have one, and you do not want surgery because the surgery can be quite dangerous, consider a development program. We welcome feedback on this article so that we can include cases with this article.